Master in Urban Design, Universitas Gadjah Mada started from the Department of Architecture Engineering in the concentration of Design for Built Environment in 2000 by the Master Program of Architecture. In its development, the concentration of Design for Built Environment has been better known as the Master in Design for Built Environment. The name emphasizes the environment design that is focused on urban problems and rural areas facing development problems.

In 2016, the concentration of Design for Built Environment began its preparation to become the study program of Master in Urban Design. The Alumni Association of Urban Design Gadjah Mada "KARTAGAMA" was formed in the same year. Since 2019, Master in Urban Design has been listed in the Decree of the Director-General of Belmawa No. 46 of 2019. It confirms the need for urban design expertise to become an area of study of its own. In 2021, the concentration of Design for Built Environment has established itself as a new study program under the name of Master in Urban Design.


Kuliah Perdana Rancang Kota

  Program Studi Magister Rancang Kota mengadakan kuliah perdananya di tanggal 14 Agustus 2021. Kuliah perdana ini mengambil tema "Challenges of Urban Projects--Sharing with Next Generation" dengan narasumber Sibarani Sofian, pendiri sekaligus managing director of urban design di Urban+, dan ...
