Master in Urban Design Program Study Curriculum
The curriculum concept of the Master in Urban Design is based on the characteristics of graduates, including broad-minded, creative and professional, able to work as practitioners, bureaucrats, researchers, and educators.
In addition, the preparation of the new study program curriculum also refers to the curriculum content of the reference study program, where the content of compulsory urban design courses including urban design thesis is 45-55%, urban design studio courses 30-40%, elective courses 10-20%. This curriculum content will guarantee equality in the state of the art of urban design knowledge.
The graduate learning outcomes (ELOs) in the Urban Design Master Study Program curriculum emphasize how to design, how to think research, and research for design, which are classified according to the quadrants mentioned in KKNI level 8, namely attitudes, knowledge, general skills and specific skills. The learning objectives of this study program are graduates who are able to carry out regional design based on research. Learning outcomes that include attitudes, knowledge, general skills, and specific skills are arranged in an integrated manner to produce tiered learning outcomes as follows:
- 1st Semester : Basic urban design skills
- 2nd Semester : Comprehensive urban design skills
- 3rd and 4th Semesters : Research for design skills
The learning outcomes are applied using various schemes of learning methods. The methods used include:
1. Studio
The studio is a place for downstream theoretical courses, methods, principles, with relevant themes leading to the professional design process. The studio has a special role substantially and methodically. The substantial role is emphasized on the comprehensiveness of various knowledge and skills used according to the theme or project used. The methodical role is indicated by the process and procedure of implementing the studio which begins with the necessary research process, which includes: process of acquiring knowledge, process of analysis, process of synthesizing knowledge. This process is followed by designing.
2. Lectures
Courses are designed to be both compulsory and elective. Compulsory courses emphasize supporting the ability to design and conduct research. Elective courses are enrichment courses, which provide additional specific knowledge on topics relevant to the built environment.
3. Conference
4. Individual Mentoring
The study load of the Master of Urban Design Study Program uses 40 credits according to article 50 of the UGM Chancellor Regulation Number 11 of 2016 concerning Postgraduate Education which is scheduled for four semesters and can be taken in less than 4 semesters with a maximum length of study of 6 semesters.
SMT 1 = 13 SKS | SMT 2 = 14 SKS (+1 Elective Course) | SMT 3 = 6 SKS (+2 Elective Course) | SMT 4 = 8 SKS
Program Study Master in Urban Design (4 Semester) Total 41 SKS
TKFT226101 | Filsafat Keilmuan (Philosophy of Science) | 1 | Semester 1 |
TKMRK216101 | Teori Rancang Kota (Urban Design Theory) | 2 | Semester 1 |
TKMRK216102 | Metode Rancang Kota (Urban Design Method) | 2 | Semester 1 |
TKMRK216103 | Prinsip dan Standar Rancang Kota (Urban Design Principles and Standards) | 2 | Semester 1 |
TKMRK216104 | Studio Rancang Kota: Eksplorasi Dasar (Urban Design Studio: Basic Exploration) | 6 | Semester 1 |
TKMRK216205 | Permasalahan Rancang Kota (Urban Design Issues) | 2 | Semester 2 |
TKMRK216206 | Tata Kelola Rancang Kota (Urban Design Management) | 2 | Semester 2 |
TKMRK216207 | Studio Rancang Kota: Eksplorasi Komprehensif (Urban Design Studio: Comprehensive Exploration) | 6 | Semester 2 |
TKMRK217101 | Metode Penelitian Rancang Kota (Urban Design Research Method) | 2 | Semester 2 |
TKMRK216211 | Tipologi dan Morfologi Kota (Urban Typology and Morphology) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK216212 | Kota Nusantara (Cities of Nusantara) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK216213 | Lanskap Perkotaan (Urban Landscape) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK216214 | Perancangan Kawasan Tangguh Bencana (Resilient Urban Design) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK216215 | Analitik untuk Lingkungan Binaan (Built Environment Analytic) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK216216 | Kota Tangguh (Resilient City) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK216217 | Sensori dalam Lingkungan Binaan (Sensory Design in Built Environment) | 2 | Smt 2 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217102 | Pra Tesis Rancang Kota (Urban Design Pre-thesis) | 2 | Semester 3 |
TKMRK217111 | Mobilitas dalam Rancang Kota (Integrating Mobility in Urban Design) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217112 | Simulasi Lingkungan Binaan (Simulation Analysis of Built Environment) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217113 | Desain Perabot Jalan (Street Furniture Design) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217115 | Perancangan Kota Cerdas (Smart Cities) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217116 | Perancangan Kawasan Wisata (Urban Design and Tourism) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217117 | Perancangan Kota Ekologis (Ecological Urban Design) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217118 | Metode Penelitian Daring (Online Research Methods) | 2 | Smt 3 / MK. Pilihan |
TKMRK217203 | Tesis Rancang Kota (Urban Design Thesis) | 8 | Semester 4 |